Greatest hits include:
- August 2019: death by suicide of a close family member.
- November 2019: Greg’s near paralyzation/death. The ride home involved four closed mountain passes and a night in an emergency shelter.
- NYE 2020, cat nearly died. Favorite rooster died two days after that.
- COVID became a thing. I shut down my practice in March 2020.
- Watched people be shitty to each other. Lost relationships. Lost my office in late July 2020. Moved out over the next month and a half.
- Cat got worse. Finally died.
- The shittiest Xmas day ever.
- February 2021: diagnosed with severe PTSD and complicated bereavement syndrome.
- People still shitty. More lost and damaged relationships. Got dumped by the vaudeville troupe I busted ass to get home for.
- Helped a friend with a truly fucked-up situation over the course of several months after her father passed away in his house.
- June 2021: my father suffered a collapse of unknown etiology. He struck his head on the way down and seized as a result. That sucked a lot.