Good things
- Started a costuming/self-portrait art project/FB group called Apocalypse Fashion Friday as a way of coping with COVID, quarantine, and general people shittiness.
- Created a couple of IG accounts: food blog @problemchildcooking and a nature/gratitude/pretty things one @daughter.of.the.north.wind
- Bought a trailer, dubbed it the Boondock Saint, and did a lot of camping.
- Vaccines! Seeing family!
- Taavi, of course.
Then, in probably the biggest “didn’t see that coming” of my life, I decided I was ready to say yes. In November 2021, Greg and I eloped in Puerto Vallarta on the beach that nearly killed him.
We spent most of this last year planning a reenactment ceremony on Rabbit Ears for family and a small reception at the Art Depot. It went off beautifully; for those interested, our photographer’s pics are here. (Password: steamboat)