Professional background
I’ve wanted to do massage since I was nine years old. In 4th grade, I had a teacher with a bad back. She taught us kids how to rub her shoulders; I would love to do it when she read aloud to the rest of the class. A handful of years later, though, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, which necessitated a focus on a career that would provide me with health insurance.
In 1998, I had a life-altering surgery that put the Crohn's into remission. I continued to do the day job thing, but kept drifting more and more towards bodywork. The final straw was when I was on vacation at Burning Man; I heard a voice in my head telling me that I needed to learn how to do this, never mind what I thought I ought to do or what I should do. I came back to Denver, only to be very unexpectedly laid off. After a year of research and testing the waters, I threw caution to the wind and went for it.
I’ve never looked back.
I’ve wanted to do massage since I was nine years old. In 4th grade, I had a teacher with a bad back. She taught us kids how to rub her shoulders; I would love to do it when she read aloud to the rest of the class. A handful of years later, though, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, which necessitated a focus on a career that would provide me with health insurance.
In 1998, I had a life-altering surgery that put the Crohn's into remission. I continued to do the day job thing, but kept drifting more and more towards bodywork. The final straw was when I was on vacation at Burning Man; I heard a voice in my head telling me that I needed to learn how to do this, never mind what I thought I ought to do or what I should do. I came back to Denver, only to be very unexpectedly laid off. After a year of research and testing the waters, I threw caution to the wind and went for it.
I’ve never looked back.

Personal stuffs
I used to have hobbies. Now I have a small business.
Back when I had spare time (and maybe someday when I will again), here are some of the things that I did a lot of:
I used to have hobbies. Now I have a small business.
Back when I had spare time (and maybe someday when I will again), here are some of the things that I did a lot of:
- read (voraciously, particularly sci-fi and fantasy, but I'm not picky)
- run a wee homestead with my beloved with goats, rabbits, and various poultry. Oh, the farm stories I can share!
- home food creation and preservation: stock, cheese, garden produce, home butchering, canning, drying, and so on.
- semi-professional fire dancer (which is what I'm doing in the picture at right)
- wicked good cook . . . unless it requires a recipe
- Renaissance Faire performer
- tinker with fiber arts--sewing, spinning, dyeing, etc.